Rocío Cid, manager of Cuevas y Cía, participated yesterday in the closing of the Galicia Avanza program, the accelerator for little and medium enterprises in their internationalization with which the Galician Innovation Agency has worked during this third edition.
Cuevas y Cía attended this forum as an example of a Galician company that based its growth on innovation and also on the internationalization of its products. Rocío was in charge of presenting the innovative history of the company, which already in the 80s, and challenging the conservative criteria of the market, presented an unknown product in our country: the surprising Marron Glacé.
In her story we find what is now consolidated as a success story that served as inspiration for those small and medium-sized companies that are now on the path of internationalization.
The chestnut, an authentic product with a soul, is so rooted in our history that it is difficult not to have some personal experience that awakens emotions, such as the story that Rocío Cid herself shared this morning, in which she described the beautiful memories it harbors. collecting chestnuts as a girl with her grandmother. It is especially exciting for her that this product for which she processed so much love has become her professional career.
And when one is convinced of the value and quality of the product with which one works, the project cannot stop growing. Committing to the chestnut is committing to the countryside, it is getting involved in its enhancement, being part of the IXP Chestnut of Galicia, and, ultimately, working tirelessly to make it known.
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